What Is Property Verification?

Whenever someone wants to buy a property or take a home loan or mortgage property against a loan or take property on lease for a long term, it is necessary for them to check out all the documents related to the property before making a decision to buy so that in future the owner doesn’t get into legal trouble because of improper papers.

We at At-Takasur Consultancy Firm have experts specifically dedicated to the purpose of verification of property documents and can provide the best consultation about the process. Property check has never been more straightforward.

Process For Property Document Verification

  1. Application: Fill out the form on the At-Takasur Consultancy Firm website to provide basic information,
  2. Submit Documents related to the property mentioned below on the page
  3. Scrutiny and Approval: Reply to queries raised by the office and get approval from At-Takasur Consultancy Firm experts on property verification.

Documents Required For Property Verification

  1. Sale Deed
  2. Agreement to Sale
  3. Will
  4. Power of Attorney
  5. Relinquishment Deed
  6. Partition Deed

Chain Of Documents

  1. Property title:
    The property title shows the current owner of the property and it is present in the records at the sub registrar’s office.
  2. Mortgage documents:
    If there are any mortgages on the property then the documents related to it must be verified and the buyer must be willing to buy it along with mortgages or mortgages must be paid by the seller.
  3. Encumbrance certificate:
    It is a certificate issued when the property is free from encumbrances like licenses, mortgages, property taxes, etc.
  4. Sanctioned plan and built-up area:
    The sanctioned plan is something that the government has approved and a built-up area is something where actual construction on property has taken place. If there is a difference between these two, it might create trouble.
  5. Property Tax Receipts:
    These are the receipts proving that the seller has been paying tax on the property to the government regularly.
  6. Other documents according to a type of property
    Other documents according to a type of property and state requirements and case-to-case basis.

Benefits Of Property Verification

  1. Assurance that property involved in the transaction is free from litigation
  2. Easier to take loans against the property after verification
  3. Assurance that seller has right to sell the property
  4. Avoiding a transaction if fake or forged documents are presented
  5. The seller might try to sell the same property multiple times and fraud people which can be avoided through property verification online.
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